Solstice 2020
~Happy Yule, Sweet Solstice~
And Merry rest of the holidays already passed and those to come. This reading is for the solstice mostly because there’s a lot more energy going around this year. This is more of a heads up pre battle prepperoni—hence why I post today and not day of—
1. Center Position: (you and your present self) 10Swords {☉ in ♊︎ /fixation of gold}
2. Left Center Position:(influence within your immediate vicinity/in the present) RPrinceCups
3. Right Center Position: (presiding influence) iii Empress {♀/ultimate compassion}
4. Bottom Position: (grounding energy/advice)3Cups {☿ in ♋︎ /dissolution or hydration}
5. Top Position: (lifts you during tough moments) R2Swords {☾ in ♎︎/sublimation}
1. Previously volatile thoughts(unaffected by the scorching heat of fire)solidify by a transformation of light—not fire. Thoughts are jumbling around causing too much confusion or upsetting what should be a calm mental environment for you. Take each thought and convert it to a useful purpose or goal. Treat each individual thought as a rough ugly nugget of gold. Each one can be put towards your goals.
2. Airy part of Water: Vapor [if you slow down like a super conductor that’s chilled below freezing point, you get Space for all that energy to unleash. Cool Vapor > Steam = gives you Time to manipulate your vaporous thoughts, whereas steamy thoughts are fleeting whereas vapor floats nearby.] Find your center. Ground yourself then dive into your thoughts. Analyze why or where your thoughts come from and how you too can drive them towards a constructive porpoise~
3. To do that…
This card gives advice on how to do card (2.) since it looks like since card (1.) you’ve been or will be struggling with your thoughts. So please treat yourself kindly, patiently before during and immediately after the solstice. It takes time to relax racing thoughts. When your physical body literally feels taken care of, ½ your thoughts will disappear because your mind is so preoccupied with surviving physically that all you end up doing is fixating and fixating and fixating on surviving.
4. Abundantly clear you have a lot of knowledge to work with: either your simmered gold nuggets from card(1.) or there’s a source you can use to help organize your thoughts [like a library, or friends, but mostly your own subconscious. You and your subconscious have your answers, best dig them up!] Trust your own instincts more often~ A lot of messages will come or thoughts will make more sense or you’ll come to more realizations easier when you relax. Maybe take a bath after you’ve played –in the snow if available–
5. Don’t let your thoughts heat up and wander off; keep them grounded to reality... to the here and now. ~Can’t use your thoughts if they fly off~ Now is not decision making time; only gather and identify. Categorize them.
Work from the bottom up, inside out b/c As Above
So Below
What we think determines how we do.
Do well by intending for the best.
Your heart will ping when it recognizes gold.
The cards can show you where X marks the spot,
“but the digging you must do yourself.” --Matisyahu